Discover Who We Are and What We Believe
Living Streams is an international Christian church located in the heart of Bangkok.
We passionately worship Him in spirit and in truth, comprehensively enforcing the will of heaven on earth and loving people intentionally having experienced His awesome love and goodness in a life-changing manner.
Apostolic in Mission and Prophetic in Expression, Living Streams is a church built upon the New Testament pattern according to Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Cor 12:28. We know the glory of God will manifest when we worship Him and people will encounter Him in a transformational manner. Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry is primary in our focus as we know everyone is called and gifted to do the amazing works God had ordained for us. In addition to spiritual well-being, it’s important to take care of our physical health. Medications like Valtrex can be essential in managing viral infections. For more information on Valtrex, click this link and learn how it can support your health journey.
Apostolic in Mission and Prophetic in Expression, Living streams is a church built upon the New Testament pattern according to Ephesians 2:20 and 1 Cor 12:28. We know the glory of God will manifest when we worship Him and people will encounter him in a transformational manner. Equipping the saints for the work of the ministry is primary in our focus as we know everyone is called and gifted to do the amazing works God had ordained for us.
Miracles are the norm in our family! That is because we believe in the God who is alive and loves us deeply and he will not withhold anything good from us!
Who are we?
An Apostolic-Prophetic Church hosting the presence of God, revealing the beauty of Jesus Christ, resting in His finished work at the cross, rising up in His resurrection power and demonstrating the supernatural principles and mighty works of the Kingdom of God to restore people to walk in His Glory.
What do we do?
DreamFire a new generation of Kingdom disciples and leaders who will glorify our Father! Equip and empower a prophetic people to fulfill their Kingdom assignments from God our Father. Create a powerful and glorious worship atmosphere for the release of prophetic declarations and decress as a governmental centre of God in the supernatural realm.
What are our objectives?
To establish a fresh foundation for generations of God’s people who will move prophetically and powerfully in the supernatural. To equip a generation with revival and reformation DNA who will fulfil the Acts 13 call to transform nations through church planting and fulfilling the 7-mountain mandate. To provide cutting edge resources that will shift the Church into present truth and practices.
Our Core Values
- Ministry is not what we do but that which flows out of our Being! We minister from the inner being of wealth and overflowing abundance in Him.
- People are important to God and to us! We honor them and equip them to fulfill God’s glorious plans for them.
- We do all things excellently with the mind of Christ and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, thus glorifying God and inspiring others in the Kingdom.
- We ardently desire the presence of God and seek to host Him tapping into the riches of His glory.
- We love the Church as the family that facilitates our edification and transformation.
- We respond to our high calling with radical faith and disciplined commitment, warring as a good soldier and running to complete the race.
- Loving God fervently and others as we love ourselves is the foundation of all our relationships.
Living Streams
Leadership & History

Pastor Chee Kang Seng
Founder/ Living Streams International
He has been used by the Lord to minister in Revival/ Evangelistic meetings and Pastor/ leaders conferences in USA, Canada, South America and numerous Asian and African nations.
Living Streams Bangkok grew from about 20 people in January 2009 to about 600 in 2019 with 7 other churches planted since Pastor Kang Seng returned to lead the church that he founded with 3 other elders in September 2004. Right from day one, we have envisioned an apostolic-prophetic church in the city of Bangkok bringing new life to the city. By the Glory of God that is full of grace and truth, Living Streams has been growing from strength to strength, breakthrough after breakthrough to an increasing level of glory experienced in our meetings.
Pastor Kang Seng is passionate about the presence and heart of Father God for His Kingdom family. He is also the founder of ReviveAsia which focuses on revival and reformation, equipping of a new generation for the transformation of nations.

Pastor Mehta Kriengparinyakij
Interim Lead Pastor
Pastor Mehta has been used by the Lord to minister in Revival Meetings and National Conferences in Thailand closely together with Pastor Chee Kang Seng, founder of Living Streams International since 2009.
He played a very key role as an executive and worship pastor in developing Living Streams International to grow from about 20 people to become a strong Apostolic Prophetic Kingdom Church impacting thousands of people in Thailand and nations.
Mehta has been in full time ministry since 1999. After graduating from Theological Centre for Asia (TCA) Singapore, he has been serving the Lord faithfully in worship leading, teaching, preaching, missions and interpreting for many internationally known speakers. He is also a prominent worship leader in Thailand who moves in a strong prophetic anointing bringing people to encounter God in His glory. His original Thai worship songs have reached many millions people online and have been sung all across Thailand in most churches to unite the heart of Thai people to the heart of the Father.
His passion is to see the glory of God rise up all over Thailand and Asia through the sons and daughters of God who have experienced His presence, equipped and sent out to preach the gospel of the Kingdom with signs and wonders, healing and miracles.
Mehta is married with Chawanlak (Lydia) and have three children. All of them are actively serving and ministering together as a family for the Kingdom of God in Living Streams.
Our Statement of Faith
- We believe there is only one true God who is eternally self-existent in 3 persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
- We believe that the Bible is the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is fully God and fully Man. He was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified and died for all humankind. He rose again on the third day and is alive, in the presence of God and in His people.
- We believe that we are created in the image of God and to walk in His glory. But because of sin, sickness and death entered the world and all creation suffers the effects and consequences of sin (Rom 3:23).
- We believe we are saved by grace through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ at the Cross thus becoming citizens of the Kingdom of God which Jesus had come to establish on earth.
- We believe that Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Through repentance, believing and receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, we are reconciled to our Father and restored to walk in His glory.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit who regenerates and adopts us to become sons and daughters of God. As our inner witness, the Holy Spirit also convicts us, sanctifies us, and leads us to fulfill His high calling for our lives.
- We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit according to Acts 1:8 and Acts 2:4 evidenced by the speaking in tongues for our empowerment as His witnesses.
- We believe in the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of grace, leading us to live holy lives and to walk with a supernatural mindset releasing His presence everywhere we go.
- We believe that the Church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ and is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Jesus Christ as the chief cornerstone.
- We believe that the Church continues the work of Jesus Christ, advancing His Kingdom by destroying the works of the evil one, preaching the good news of the Kingdom to all humankind, baptizing them and teaching them to love and obey our Lord Jesus Christ.
- We believe that Heaven and Hell are real places and there is a resurrection of the saved and unsaved, one to everlasting life and the other to eternal condemnation.